Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Place and Ways to Play

The average area of ​​the page. A large circle drawn on a game and another smaller circle within a circle drawn in large earlier.

At least two groups. One group consists of at least six players.

Ways to Play
1. Assume there are three teams that will be playing. Each team is required to be prepared in each game. All players must be in a big circle but could not get into a small circle.

2. When the game starts, all teams start the game simultaneously. One of the players in the team will bounce the ball. Any member of the group will make the ball scales. Players must not weigh more than three times the weight of the ball at any one time. The player shall deliver the ball to the other players when they have just three times scales.

3. Players will create a 'weight' as long as the ball does not fall to the ground. When the ball drops, the game is restarted. Each team is given the opportunity to kick-off three times in one game.

4. The game will end after three times the dropped ball. The total weight of each team shall be taken. The team made the most weight wins.

5. The game ended after the winner is determined.

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